
We're still working on these downloadable resources - if you have any suggestions or comments and if you'd like to see us cover a topic that doesn't appear, please let us know.

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Cancer and Emotions

A diagnosis of cancer brings with it a whole range of emotions including feelings of shock, fear, anxiety and sadness. Everyone will have their own way of managing their feelings. This information is about some of the feelings that you may experience and ways of coping that others have found helpful.

Cancer and Emotions factsheet

Coping with bereavement

Being bereaved, even when the death is expected, as when your loved one has cancer, can leave you feeling shocked, numb and at a loss. Grief can feel overwhelming.

Coping with bereavement factsheet

Dealing with diagnosis

Dealing with a diagnosis of cancer or another life threatening condition can feel very distressing and everyone has their own way of dealing with this difficult news. This information is about some of the emotions that you may feel and gaining the support that might help you through this difficult time.

Dealing with diagnosis factsheet

Supporting someone with cancer

When someone you care for tells you that they have cancer you are likely to experience many different emotions. Dealing with cancer can put stress on a relationship. Finding ways to talk and listen to each other openly can help you to understand and deal with what you are each finding difficult.

Supporting someone with cancer factsheet

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