
There are so many ways you can fundraise for WHY!

A clothes swap, dress-down day, sports competition, games night, dance-a-thon, zumba party, yoga-thon, coffee morning, cake sale, community event, open day at home, bingo, sponsored cycle, swim or other sponsored activity, swear box, charity lunch or open garden, to name just a few!

Or why not take on a challenge or join our volunteer team to help with our community events?

"I have carried buckets of drinking water to keep the teapot full for a beautiful Frome garden charity tea-party, buttered hundreds of scones, cut and sold delicious slices of homemade cakes, chatted to many friendly and interested strangers about WHY, filled in gaps in the ever-rolling supply lines of afternoon tea. I have dressed up as a Christmas elf, joined the Christmas present wrapping team and produced endless presents for Father Christmas to hand out to small children!”

Whatever you'd like to do, whether it's joining one of our community events as a participant or a volunteer, or if you have a brilliant idea for an event of your own, we'll be with you ll the way. We can help you plan and organise your event, produce a poster, press release and social media graphics, and supply volunteers on the day if you need them.

We've put together a fundraising pack to give you inspiration and practical help with your fundraiser and you can download a sponsorship form below. 

Finally, thanks so much for supporting WHY - we wouldn't exist without your help.

Get a printable sponsorship form

WHY Cancer Charity

If you would like more information about organising your own fundraising event, or if you want to discuss your ideas and get some feedback prior to organising your event, we’d be happy to help.

Contact us on 01373 455255 or email

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