Local cancer charity We Hear You is offering a training session via Zoom on Tuesday 13th July for employers, to help them support staff impacted by cancer and life threatening conditions. The session is free, although participants are invited to make a £25 donation.
The session is the first opportunity to attend training through WHYinwork, WHY’s new package of services aimed at helping employers meet their legal and ethical responsibilities, using the charity’s knowledge and experience from working with individuals affected by a life threatening condition. It will be delivered by WHY counsellor Eleni Constanti and Fundraising and Communications Manager Gemma Wilkes. Gemma Wilkes says:
“Our counsellors have supported countless people who are trying to combine working life with cancer treatment or with caring responsibilities when a loved one is unwell and we know the issues that commonly occur. Working life can be a much-needed element of ‘normal life’ during difficult times, as well as the income it provides. We know that the majority of employers are keen to get it right, and our WHYinwork training will help them. This first session has been adapted for delivery via Zoom and is shorter than the original training we devised, so we’re offering it free of charge to test the concept. However, we hope participants will feel they benefitted and make a £25 donation if they’re able to do so.”
The WHY in Work workshop provides an overview of
Book a place on the training session on Tuesday 13th July
To find out more about We Hear You’s free professional counselling service for children and adults affected by cancer and life threatening conditions, please visit wehearyou.org.uk.
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