As Positive Action on Cancer (PAC) turned 21, behind the scenes the charity had been working to create a whole new brand, including a new name that will see the organisation through the next 21 years and beyond helping it to reach more people and raise more money.

PAC is a brand that is well known and loved in Frome. However, despite lots of hard work, it has very little recognition outside its home town and the organisation is struggling to reach new communities who may need the service. With referral rates at an all-time high and with more people needing the service it is vital that the charity is attracting more supporters.  PAC needed to refresh its brand to help it become more visible.

Positive Action on Cancer as a name does not quickly convey what the organisation does and in recent years, as the number of cancer charities grow, the name PAC has increasingly become a barrier to reaching more clients and supporters.

When surveyed those unfamiliar to the work of PAC assumed that it was either a cancer research organisation or an organisation trying to overcome cancer rather than organisation providing emotional support to those affected by cancer and other life threatening conditions.

Starting out as a telephone helpline for women affected by breast cancer, PAC has developed and grown into a highly respected charity providing a professional – and always free – service to its clients.

A new fresh brand will enable it to stand out in a competitive market place, with hundreds of other cancer brands. PAC also wanted a brand that would make an instant human connection with those who might need the service.

From 5th February Positive Action on Cancer will now be known as We Hear You…Cancer Counselling. The new brand is designed to state more clearly what the organisation is here to do and all communications from the organisation are designed to help those who need our service instantly know that We Hear You is the place to come for emotional support.

The organisation have been incredibly lucky to have the entire rebranding process donated for free by branding agency Hello Communications and printing of new materials have been donated by companies such as Compugraphic in Frome and Bulk Solutions in Melksham.

Hannah Culff, Fundraising and Communications Manager for We Hear You said ‘This is a huge change both for us and for the local community but it is one we are incredibly excited about. We have worked tirelessly to find the correct new look and feel for the organisation that we all care so much about. There are so many wonderful cancer charities out there doing very important work and we need to be clear which part of cancer support we work in. The emotional fallout from the disease is devastating and there is very little emotional support available to people so we hope to raise awareness of how important our service is."

"We have had the pleasure of spending time with people who have been affected by cancer in many different ways who have helped us to develop our new communications. We will be telling people about our work through the eyes of those who have used our service or have been affected by cancer and on all our flyers and on our website you will see only photos of real people in our community who have been touched by the disease. At We Hear You we are well aware that we are only reaching a tiny percentage of people who need our help and we hope that our new brand will help us raise more money and more awareness of our cause so we can reach more people. We cannot thank Hello Communications enough for the endless amount of time and resources they have donated us."

To launch the new brand and to help raise awareness of the emotional impact of cancer We Hear You will be holding an exhibition of photos taken of people affected by cancer in The Good Gallery, Frome.


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