Rachel Clark, the organiser of June’s world record 24-hour rowing relay in Frome, has been nominated in the ITV Fundraiser of the Year category in the Daily Mirror’s ‘Pride of Britain’ awards in partnership with TSB.

ITV viewers across the UK voted for the people in their region who they felt had made an outstanding contribution to their community. Rachel was a popular choice with viewers of ITV West Country after taking on several challenges since 2011 along with her brothers Daniel and Matthew and a group of friends, in memory of their mum Shirley. The team have so far raised more than £28,000 for local causes, with most of the money benefitting Frome-based counselling charity We Hear You (WHY). The shortlist will now be reviewed by the Pride of Britain judges and if successful in the regional heat, Rachel will attend the national awards ceremony in November, to be broadcast live on ITV.

Gemma Wilkes, Fundraising and Communications Manager at We Hear You, says ‘Rachel is an amazing person and has done so much for WHY. She 100% deserves this award for all her hard work and extraordinary community spirit, which brings out the community spirit in everyone else! We really can’t thank her enough and are crossing everything for her – good luck Rachel!’

Rachel Clark says ‘I was blown away by the shortlisting. I don’t do this for any recognition. I do this because I can. I owe my drive and determination to my Mum and Nan, they taught me to never quit and I still have many ideas for future fundraising. I was overwhelmed by this year’s rowing world record, the spiral effect it had in the community was exactly what I wanted to create, if not better! It’s not just me giving back now we have a whole army in Frome doing it too! To inspire others is the greatest award life has given me. Thank you to every single person that has supported my brothers and I since Mum passed away.’

More information about the Pride of Britain awards can be found at To refer yourself for We Hear You’s free professional counselling service for anyone affected by cancer or a life threatening condition, please call 01373455255 or email

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