Local charity We Hear You (WHY) are holding a McGuinness’ revival night at 23 Bath St on Friday 20th July from 8pm till late. WHY’s first tribute night to this Frome institution in March last year sold out within days and the charity is hoping nostalgia will bring out the crowds in force again. Proceeds from the event will go towards WHY’s free professional counselling for anyone affected by cancer or other life threatening conditions across Somerset, Wiltshire and BANES.

Helen White, fundraising officer for WHY says ‘It is with great excitement and huge thanks to the McGuinness family, DJ Jonny Bonny Tyler and No 23 Bath St (formerly known as the 'Wheater') that we are hosting this event as part of our summer fundraising. Come and celebrate the start of the summer holidays by reliving the endless nights of sticky carpets and cheesy music we enjoyed every weekend at the infamous party palace that was 'Guinnies'!

We promise you a night of the best club tunes, driven by your requests and we might even have a few 'familiar' faces around too... then finish off the night by nipping over the road for a traditional Frome 'Kebabby'. Bringing the event into the modern day just a little, we’ll be having a ‘selfie booth’ again, for people to officially document what was once only for eyewitnesses…this was such a great event last year, let’s make it another night to remember!’

Tickets for the McGuinness’ revival night cost £5 plus booking fee and are available on Eventbrite – click through via the WHY website at

If you’d like to access We Hear You’s free professional counselling for people affected or bereaved by cancer or a life threatening condition, please call 01373 455255 or email


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