Barclays Bumper Book Sale

The Frome branch of Barclays Bank held a bumper book sale throughout the school holidays in support of We Hear You (WHY.)

Barclays Bank chose to support WHY by running the Book Sale in their banking hall for 6 weeks, to raise much needed funds for the local charity, which provides emotional support to children and adults who are affected by cancer and other life threatening conditions.

Barclays Bank head office will match the ££481.28 raised by the staff and local community, making the total raised a massive £962.56.

Sarah-Jane Monger who helped run the event said ‘We were delighted with the support we had from the local community, both donating and buying books from us. We were able to keep it fresh by changing the books every few days. We chose to support WHY as they are a very local charity, just a couple of doors away from us! They know that life threatening conditions such as cancer can turn people’s lives upside down, that’s why they exist.”

Fundraising Assistant, Helen Sprawson-White said ‘It was great to see people drifting away from the banking queue to see what was on offer.  We really can’t thank Barclays enough for choosing to support us again and to all those customers who donated books, or popped in to buy books to support the work we do’

WHY are a Frome based charity delivering life-changing support to people affected by cancer and other life threatening conditions across Somerset, BANES and Wiltshire. WHY receives no central government funding so rely heavily on the fundraising efforts of the local community. If you would like to learn more about WHY or would like to take part in a challenge or fundraising event please contact Helen or Gemma at 

Photo, from left to right: Loren Reynolds, Sarah-Jane Monger, Helen Sprawson-White (WHY), Sharon O’Connor and Clare Singer


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