671 skittles players helped fundraiser Rachel Clark break a second Guinness World record on Sunday 5th September, raising £1700 for local cancer charity We Hear You (WHY).

Rachel said:

“What a phenomenal day! It was fantastic to be back together again, smashing a world record and raising money for WHY under the sunny blue skies with wonderful people!

We weren’t sure people would come out in the numbers we saw in 2018 and 2019 after a tough year and a half, but you came. you skittled and (pending official verification), you conquered!” 

“None of my fundraising could happen without the amazing people behind the scenes; thank you to the Frome Independent for having us, Frome Town Council for the equipment loan, Nunney Community Association for the skittle alley, CH Contracting for the barriers, my Dad for sourcing our hay bales, the brilliant Rob from Site Eye for the vital video evidence, and everyone who donated their own time to steward, officially witness, stick up and be part of our awesome ground crew on the day.

WHY’s Fundraising and Communications Manager Gemma Wilkes said “Rachel has done it again - we’ve never known anyone with such drive and determination and so many ideas! She’s an inspiration and that shows in the huge and dedicated team that has grown around her. As well as raising an amazing £1700 for our small charity, Rachels’ contribution to raising our profile and helping people who need support to find us is immeasurable. All Rachel's fundraising is in memory of her mum Shirley and we’re sure she’d be very proud.”

Pending official verification from Guinness World Records, on Sunday 5th September, Team Clark broke the existing world record for the most players in an eight-hour game of skittles by 203 players, with 671 people taking part. The team broke the Guinness World record for the most participants in a 24-hour rowathon in June 2018, with 678 participants.

The final question is will Rachel complete a hat trick of community world records? Rachel told us “only time will tell!”


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