Local young people Kai, Jack and Evie have set themselves a challenge for August: walking 500 miles to raise money for cancer counselling charity We Hear You (WHY). The challenge is a tribute to their grandmother Gill, who has recently been diagnosed with cancer. With half the month still to go, they’ve already raised more than £1,700 for WHY and are building up their mileage. They had this to say about the challenge:

Jack: “I was feeling so sad about my granny being diagnosed with cancer, and I suggested to my mum that we raise some money. I chatted to my sister Evie and my cousin Kai and we came up with 500 miles in August. My granny chose the charity, she knows that We Hear You will help us all when we need it. We are totally blown away by the number of people that have already donated to our just giving page and I want to say a massive thank you to you all. It has definitely motivated us to keep walking!

Kai said – “I’m doing our 500 miles for WHY with Jack and Evie because myself and my family value what they do and believe that they provide a service that needs supporting. Throughout our Granny’s previous battles with cancer we have been lucky to never doubt the incredible clinical care that she’s received and we will be forever grateful for that. It’s bought us precious years. However there’s always been need for emotional and pastoral support and that’s exactly what WHY provide. Being emotionally supported can give family and cancer patients the tools to continue to enjoy life that’s left and get you through the darkest times. And that alongside clinical care is what can improve the life of  families of cancer patients.”

WHY’s Fundraising Officer Helen White said:

“Kai, Jack and Evie’s family are generous and longstanding supporters of WHY, always going the extra mile, sometimes from 10,000 feet jumping out of a plane! They’ve also supported WHY through their family business DD Aggregates, donated prizes for our auctions and raffles and if you’ve ever tried one of Nic’s INCREDIBLE cakes at a WHY event, you’re probably still thinking about it! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…so we’re delighted to see their children taking on this gruelling challenge for WHY and so excited to follow their progress. Our services are in unprecedented demand and the hard work and generosity of people like Kai, Jack and Evie will ensure we’re able to meet that demand.”

Sponsor Kai, Jack and Evie’s ‘500 miles’ challenge at For more information about We Hear You, visit

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