Local fundraiser Rachel Clark celebrated a milestone in her ‘365 miles for WHY’ running challenge at Frome Rugby Club on 22nd September, with 100 miles to go until the final mile on New Year’s Eve. The challenge has already raised more than £6,000 for cancer counselling charity We Hear You (WHY).

Rachel says “I wanted to take on a challenge for WHY’s 25th anniversary year and chose a running challenge because, although I like to keep fit, I hate running! I think a challenge should be something you genuinely find hard and it’s certainly been true of this one. The support I’ve had from the people who’ve run with me as well as those who’ve shared my posts on social media or made donations has really kept me going, including the schools and sports groups, and the special miles like the children’s procession at Frome Carnival and the midnight mile in memory of Lisa Wells. We’ve raised a phenomenal amount of money for WHY already, with three months still to go.

It’s getting colder and darker…but I’m hoping people will keep turning up to run with me through the rest of the year. It’s going to be a busy October, with school miles coming up at Trinity, Christ Church and Oakfield. We’ve also got a few special miles planned through the rest of the year, so keep an eye on the Facebook page for details and keep coming out to run with me!”

WHY’s Fundraising Officer Helen White says: “We’re amazed and delighted by the success of this challenge, although if anyone was going to pull it off, it’s Rachel! The money raised makes a huge difference to WHY as a small charity experiencing unprecedented demand for services. It was great to celebrate this milestone at Frome Rugby Club, as they’ve just chosen WHY as their charity of the year for the second time running, so another huge thank you is due to them and we look forward to working with them through 2020.

To find out details of Rachel Clark’s 365 for WHY challenge, including times and locations for each mile, visit

We Hear You provides free professional counselling for children and adults affected directly or indirectly by cancer or a life threatening condition. To find out more about WHY’s services, please visit

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