We Hear You Christmas appeal 2023

​Help us raise £5,000 this Christmas

Donate to the WHY Christmas appeal

Life is tough all year round for people affected by a life-threatening diagnosis. However, moments of celebration can be particularly hard for those facing an uncertain future, or missing a loved one who has died. As a result, we usually see an increase in demand around the festive season.

We’re raising £5,000 this Christmas – will you help? Our vital, specialist services support people affected or bereaved by cancer or any life-threatening condition in Somerset, Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire. Our ambassador Claire continues to support us, after our WHYoutdoors course lifted and inspired her following breast cancer:

"I’ve been totally inspired by it. Simple things like listening to the rain, two years ago I would have been sat at the laptop and I wouldn’t have even noticed it, I wouldn’t have taken the time to go out and stand in it, which I would now because it’s priceless. In a way I now feel grateful for everything we went through as a family to have learnt that lesson. It was a gift to have the time to be outside, be peaceful, be alone in good company, I couldn’t wait to get there every week."

Help us offer WHYoutdoors for people like Claire

WHY Cancer Charity

"The incredible support of the communities we work in is the reason WHY's services have been able to expand so quickly in recent years. However, like all charities, WHY are experiencing very tough financial times. The combination of a reduction in grants, the squeeze on personal finances for so many, and the impact of the pandemic on our community fundraising in 2020/21 has coincided with a surge in demand for our specialist services. Could you help us raise £5,000 towards meet the demand by donating to our Christmas appeal? It's a cliché that no donation is too small, but that's because it's absolutely true: whatever you can afford to donate will help someone affected or bereaved by cancer and life-threatening conditions."

​Gemma Wilkes, Fundraising and Communications Manager

No donation is too small – visit our appeal page to donate whatever you can afford. £54 pays for a session with one of our experienced counsellors, helping people navigate the uniquely complex and painful feelings that a life-threatening diagnosis can cause.

Your donation helps us support people like Corinne, who found it very difficult to return to normal and manage her anxiety. Our WHYbemindful course made a huge difference to her and enabled her to enjoy life again. At WHY we understand that the impact of cancer and life-threatening conditions goes far beyond the individual diagnosed and their closest family. We support everyone who needs it, and we don't place any time limit on accessing our service. When you ask why...we hear you.

Will you donate £10, or whatever you can afford, to help people like Corinne?


WHY Cancer Charity

"It's very refreshing, I don’t know how to explain it really. I think because my mind is not so anxious, I enjoy the present moment. It feels good when I do it. If I feel really tired, mentally or physically, I just do the 20-minute body scan mediation and I instantly feel so much better, more relaxed, more grounded. I also do the pause, from time to time, asking myself how I’m doing, how are my thoughts, what am I thinking, how am I feeling, that sort of thing.

I was just amazed by what it gave me. I just want to say a big thank you. I’m ever so grateful and I always will be, it’s given me tools not just for after treatment, it’s given me tools for life."

Make a difference for people like Corinne

Other ways to help

We know there are people who support our work but can’t afford to donate. Here are a few other ways you can help us raise funds, raise awareness and help us help people in need.

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